Sunday, January 15, 2012

Painting Tip

When you are working on a painting job, and it time to quit for the day, but you are far from finished, DON'T rinse out your paint brush.  WHAT?!!  You heard me right.

When you are using a latex or oil based paint, you can simply wrap up the bristles in plastic wrap and pop them in the fridge.  The moist, cold environment will prevent the paint from curing.  Have you ever noticed most paint cans will tell you not to paint when the temperature is too cold?  That's why.  You can even keep them in the fridge for a few days, if you need to, and they will not dry up on you.  I've even done it for up to a week with no problems.  When you are ready to get back to your project, unwrap and you are ready to go.  This way you waste less paint, too.

This tip is a great one for those weekend warriors out there.  Have you ever noticed when you did wash out your brush the night before and it wasn't dry the next time you picked it up, it causes all kinds of annoying problems.  For instance, the water remaining in the brush waters down your latex paint, so your coverage is not consistent.  It also causes messy drips running down the handle of your brush if you are painting above shoulder level.  Don't rinse out your brush each time, and these problems are eliminated.

This tip also works for rollers, too!

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