Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's Cold Outside!

I know.  I hear some of you already.  "You are in Florida.  You don't know what cold is!"  Well, last night it got down in the 20's here.  With the humidity here in FL, I don't care what anyone says... It's COLD!!  With the wind, it rips right through to chill you to the bone.  Maybe my blood has thinned from living in the South too long.  Who knows?  Burrrrr

Anyway, thought I'd share a little tip to keep your toes warm on those chilly nights.

Confiscate one of hubby's old sweat socks.  You know the kind.  The long ones that go halfway up his calf or higher.  Fill it about half way with white rice.  This is a good way to use up some of that "not as good for you" white rice.  Brown rice will work also, if that is all you have.  Yes, it does sound silly.  Just do it!  Tie off the top as close to the top of the sock as you can without it coming loose, or if you are a bit handy with a needle and thread, stitch it up good and tight.  Don't be lazy and staple it, like I've seen some people try to repair a hem on their pants on the fly at work, or you will be in trouble later.

Here's the magic part.  Pop your sock in the microwave for 30-45 seconds on high.  See, if you had stapled it closed, you might have blown up your microwave or started a fire.  Not good.  BEEP, BEEP, BEEP  Take it out.  Oooh, Ahhh, so nice and toasty! Throw it down at the foot of the bed and you have a toasty toe heater.  It retains the heat surprisingly long.  Best part is that it didn't cost anything.  You already had everything in your house already.  I wouldn't advise eating the rice anymore though. :o)

This also works well as a heating pad for sore or tight muscles, or for those dreaded monthly cramps.  Sock isn't big enough to wrap around your neck to get those tight, stressed out, neck and shoulder muscles?  Try an old pillow case or cut up and old towel (or use two hand towels) and sew it into a loose kidney shape like you see those travel pillows that wrap around your neck in those fancy executive gadget stores.  Want something a little prettier?  Try some cute fleece on the remnant pile at your local craft/fabric store.  Maybe you even have a coupon that you can use to get some extra money off.  (More on couponing later)

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